Esther Jackson


‘Who looks outside, dreams;

who looks inside, awakes.’

Carl Jung

Sometimes we can feel unhappy but not know why, or maybe we know why but feel unable to change.

We may have physical symptoms but suspect that psychological factors underlie them.

We might recognise behaviours in ourselves that may obstruct our capacity to work, or make and maintain relationships.

Or we may have doubts about ourselves, an underlying feeling that we are not getting the most from life.

Whatever the issue, talking can help make your problems clearer, enabling you to understand and resolve them better.

I am a fully qualified and registered psychotherapist with experience of dealing with people from many walks of life. I work with a wide variety of issues, which include: anxiety, depression, self-esteem, relationship issues, workplace difficulties, grief and loss, family dynamics, identity, trauma and abuse, historic abuse.

I offer a confidential, safe and non-judgemental space to explore the difficulties, blocks or concerns that affect your personal, family or working life, together with understanding and support in making sense of your experiences.

Esther Jackson Psychotherapy

About Psychotherapy

We can seek therapy for many reasons and our difficulties can be associated with the ways we learned to lead our lives, negotiate relationships and manage ourselves during our early years. They may also be associated with recent illness or events in our lives which change how we see our situation

Psychotherapy gives you an opportunity to talk about what’s on your mind, to be listened to and to be heard, to make sense of your feelings and identify where they might come from, and to help accommodate them.

We may explore how you feel towards yourself and relate to others, how the way we behave now might be influenced by the past. We could explore how you let others into your life, how to consider different ways of going about things, take the risk in trusting others, ultimately enabling you to lead a more fulfilling life.

Analytic and psychodynamic psychotherapy is at the core of my practice and requires several years of training to become attuned to listening sensitively, exploring underlying issues, helping to work through them to alleviate suffering, leading to greater self-awareness and more fulfilling lives.

I also integrate other therapeutic models depending on the needs of the client and believe in keeping abreast of developments in my own and related professions. To read more about the issues I work with, please visit my Qualifications & Experience page.

Esther Jackson Psychotherapy

Be listened to

Esther Jackson Psychotherapy

Be heard

Be understood


I run my private practice from two consulting rooms; one in Cutteslowe, Oxford, and the second in Swiss Cottage, London.

For information on my sessions and fees, please visit my Contact page.

© Esther Jackson

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Homepage photo courtesy of Steve Green